Every year Dale and Linda Prows throw a Halloween Party...well this is our first year here in Germantown, TN and with me being 37 weeks pregnant I was NOT thinking about doing any type of Halloween partying. Well Gary talked me into going and I had to think, the day of the party, what we could dress up as. Now if any of you know me, you will know I don't have many creative bones in my body so I was struggling!
In September 2010 Gary and I went to Hawaii with my Sister Lucretia and her husband Bobby. While we were there, we just HAD to find "Dog" The Bounty Hunters Bail Bonds Office...well we found it and next door is a merchandise shop. I'm telling you this because we bought Gary a sleeveless shirt that says "DOG" on the front of it. Well that just happens to make a GREAT Halloween costume...as shown in the picture below...
Yep he was a "white trash" guy...
I have to say when we got there no one recognized him...he really had a great costume. The only way people knew it was him was because we were together and my costume was nothing like his. I was in all black with cat ears, a tail and I painted whiskers. Yep I did this costume a few years ago and like I said I'm not too creative...
That's his signature move |
I didn't get a picture of his boots...but he was wearing army style boots with his get up. |
I can't recognize him in this pic... We drew a few tattoos on his arms too. |
Some of the party girls, Me (Pregnant Cat), Belinda (Queen Bee), Christine (Disco Girl), Megan (Flashdancer - and she is pregnant too - I told her I would crop the pic but I forgot, sorry Megan you still look great!) & Emily (Wanda - Waldo's wife). |
I didn't get a good pic of this but there was a contest and Gary won Funniest Costume, LaDell won Best over all (he is the Disco King) and then scariest was The Baldwins - The Frankensteins! |
The Disco Couple - The George's |
Where is Wanda and Waldo - The Lowes |
LOVED their costumes - she was Little Red Riding Hood and she caught the Big Bad Wolf - The Rice's |
Mr Adventure and Queen Bee (The Wright's) and Mike and Carol Brady (The Brady's) |
The Fabulous hosts! Disco King and Queen!! The Prows' |
Part of the Blue Man Group - The Klepko's |
Frankenstein and The Bride of Frankenstein - The Baldwins
I have to say we had a great time at the party...I'm so glad we went...there were so many other people there and I didn't get pics but everyone was dressed up and having so much fun! Thank's Dale and Linda for a great party!!