Monday, April 11, 2011

Our Big News!

That's the head and it's fingers and toes

A bigger body's growing but only about the size of a lime in this picture.
The pictures aren't the best but we are beside ourselves excited for this new step in our lives!  I have been very fortunate when it comes to feeling sick...lucky for me I haven't had any bouts of nausea but I have felt extremely tired and have had such unbearable lower back pain that I've since made many visits to a chiropractor who has helped tremendously!  

It still doesn't seem real since I don't feel any different with my body...I have had NO problem eating food (unfortunately)...I actually have been really good with cleaning my plate lately and I'm not a real big fan of that.  I'm hoping my increased appetite doesn't cause me to gain more than I need to (or want to).  With that said though, I do truly just want a healthy happy baby so if I gain the weight and can't lose it - that will then be Gary's fault for not getting me a gym membership :-).

Our Dr. has given me a due date of October 29th but...I'm dead set against having a Halloween baby.  People think I'm being a little dramatic about that and say I won't care once I am so close to the due date.  They say I will just want to have it but I'm telling you now, I am definitely hoping for it to come early OR the first week of November.  I'm really hoping for the 1st week of November (sorry Marc I know you don't like to share your birthday month).  There's a pretty good chance I'll be late, and I'm hoping I'm a week late and not 2 days late!

On a more serious note, we feel so blessed and fortunate to have the opportunity to bring another life into the world.  It is going to be a challenge and a HUGE adjustment to our everyday lives but we couldn't be happier for it to happen!  I know Gary will be a great Dad and I truly lucked up with him!

I'll try to post more soon!