Thursday, September 6, 2012

What Davis is up to these days -

Just a few quick pics of what Davis does to occupy his (and my) time...
This is his little "perch".  He sits perfectly on it

Tearing Daddy's book

"Helping" with the dishes

We voted and went for ice cream...yep, he loved it

Picture time with Momma!

Being a silly boy
He's got the remote and trying to change the channel

Looking at his books

Showing me his top teeth

Such a cutie!  The "owie" on his nose...from the toilet seat, decided to see what was in there and dipped his head and let the seat go.  Sad day but hasn't stopped him from trying again

Trying to make me laugh...and he does.

Photo shoot in the yard (don't mind the water hose in the background)

Book time again

I tried to get him to look at his new cousin Emery but he wanted to play with is rude!

Helping with the wrapping paper for Daddy's Birthday gift

He LOVES pulling everything out from under the sink...I let him so I can get ready

Wants to go outside, but it's just too dang hot out here!!

Loves riding on Daddy's shoulders...
We love our Davis so much!!  Even when he won't take his naps (as he needs) and fights so hard when it's time to go to sleep, destroys my house on a regular basis, and makes it difficult for me to get any work (house and office) done - he's still our little guy and we would be lost without him!


  1. Myriam you are such a good mom!! I laughed at this post because you totally just described my life--my girls love to pull everything out from cabinets and some mornings I just let them do it so that I can get ready in peace LOL! He is such a handsome little boy!!

  2. I miss him so much. He's getting so big. I love looking at the pics over and over.
