I HATED picking beans as a child, but I knew my mom needed help and I knew Davis would love the chance to get dirty...
He picked about 2 beans and the rest were the leaves but he tried
Of course we added some to his bucket but every time we moved down the row he would drag his bucket and start picking the leaves. He had the right idea just the wrong item :-)
It didn't take him long to be covered in dirt and sweat
My mom took a pic of me as proof I helped...Like I said, bean picking was something I hated to do when I was younger.
We picked close to three buckets and then it was time to wash them. Davis needed to play on the tractor while waiting
He noticed there was a water hose and water involved in "washing" so he was in the mix of it all...
No doubt he was splashing that water everywhere...look at the speed on those hands!
He was a very helpful boy that morning...and a dirty one!
While bean picking was an adventure for us all, he played with his cousins, aunts & uncles, grandparents and granny (great grandmother). He was so busy loving everyone that I decided (with MUCH hesitation) to leave him while we unpack our house. He hasn't skipped a beat either...
He would swing every chance he got
He quickly became obsessed with his cousin Bryn. She was and is his favorite person
He let Emery play with the iPad - but not too long though.
His cousin Alli would play with his a lot as well...they did lots of dancing, swinging and playing in the water together.
Of course he ate many a popsicle and fudgesicle
Water is his other obsession...where there's water, so is Davis
He made his cousins sit on the trampoline while he ran around them like a crazy person!
Then Bryn (his favorite) started jumping WITH him and that was a whole new ballgame for him!
He graciously tore apart Addi and Alli's octopus sprinkler...
Had snack time as often as they would allow
Yep, snack time...taking a bite of Alli's ice cream
He hung out in nursery at church but not without a familiar face
He gave his Granny (almost 97) lots of hugs and "sugars"
Attacked his cousin Hudson
Hung out with his cousin Carson
Went to Addi's birthday party
Played at Eloise and Emery's house (he loves that elephant)
Had a tea party with Eloise and Bryn
And loved on his Mema

But it has been a LONG 2 weeks and I'm ready for my little guy to be home! I know he had such a great time and I was able to somewhat put my house together however...I miss my little terror. He'll be home in just a few short hours!
He is growing and changing soooo much! We miss you guys!