Thursday, May 24, 2012


Our friends The Rice's had a graduation party for their daughter, Tayzia who just graduated high school (Congrats Tayzia!)...a POOL PARTY!  Our little Davis LOVES the water - so we think.  He loves bath time and is ready to dive in anytime the water is running so I thought for sure he would love the pool.  When we got there we let Davis pose in the cut outs...and he didn't so much like that...not sure why :-)

The weather turned out to be unfavorable on this particular Saturday.  The high was 66* and I didn't think anyone would be swimming.  Well Gary wanted to bring their suits anyway...Like I said my baby loves the water - even if it is cold!!!
Kallie LOVES Davis

Showing a little skin

Lovin' the water

He's such a ladies man (Davis that is)

So happy!
Congratulations Tayzia!  So proud of you!!
Scarlett, Michele, Tayzia, Me, Davis & Gary

1 comment:

  1. Love every picture I can get of that boy. July can't get here fast enough!
